Our Forums Rules and Expected Behavior of Village Residents

Moderator: Brad

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Site Admin
Posts: 23
Joined: Fri Sep 20, 2024 12:26 am


Post by Administrator »

The CFNM Village Discussion Forum ("BOARD") is not free, but fortunately for you, it is. Having membership is a privilege, not a right. And the Administrators can revoke that privilege anytime without explanation.

For that privilege, you must read thoroughly and follow these RULES BEFORE POSTING.

  • 1. You covenant that by accessing any part of this BOARD, you are a legal adult.

  • 2. Upon registering, you agreed to the Terms of Agreement (TOA) as shown below. Violation of the TOA is a violation of this BOARD's RULES. This included a prohibition on any posting of comments or content that is illegal in the United States or your own country, including matters dealing with sexual abuse of minors.

  • 3. You are not to engage in harassing, criticizing, ridiculing or engaging in a flame war with any other user. This includes openly criticizing the veracity of others' posts. We have moderators that will intervene in the event someone else attacks you, and there are clickable icons on the BOARD for reporting posts.

  • 4. All comments that are degrading in terms of any other user's gender, orientation, race, ethnicity or age are prohibited.

  • 5. Great effort has gone into organizing the BOARD into Forums and Sub-Forums such that users can readily find discussions and content pertaining to whatever topic they seek. BEFORE you begin to post, review the BOARD's organizational setup. It is mandatory to post in the forum created for the content that is the subject of your post. If you do not post in the correct forum, your post is subject to deletion. Repeated violations will result in account termination.

    Do NOT FLOOD the Forums. If you are a frequent poster within a given forum and topic, please do not posts dozens of sequential posts with only a single photo or link. Instead, please group them under a single Topic/Thread with a title that starts with your user name followed by the general description of the themes of your posts within that topic; i.e. "MyUserName - CFNM in Sports". Alternative, posting within a topic thread that beings with "Topic" and reads something like: "Topic: Yadda, Yadda". This will keep such posts together for easy searching while not diluted the forum with a flood of similar posts.

  • 6. The BOARD and its Founder and Administrator strictly follows the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). We do not take on any responsibility for posts of others that are in violation of the DMCA. If you are owner of copyright material and believe your ownership rights have been violated, alert the Administrator immediately with information about the post and evidence you are indeed the copyright owner. If such is the case, we will immediately remove the post and the offender will be subject to account termination.

  • 7. Spam and advertisements unrelated to the content and theme of this board are prohibited.

  • 8. Ranting and criticism about political candidates and platforms is strictly prohibited, unless it is done in the single sub-forum created for this, here: The World, Politics and Social Issues. This specific sub-forum was created to avoid topics and threads from being hi-jacked into flaming wars about politics. Further, no member shall have a username, avatar, or statement in their signature or profile that infers a critical attack in any political way.

  • 9. Links posted without a clear description as to the content of the link's destination is prohibited. All links must include a detailed discussion as to what the link concerns, and when possible, an embedded image depicting the link's content. Posts containing just a link will automatically be deemed to be either spam or a link to a malicious website and deleted. ALSO, our BOARD has a list of allowed file sharing hosts that we deem are safe for our users as opposed to having malicious issues or redirects to spam. Only these sharing hosts are allowed, and can be found in this link: Allowed File Sharing Hosts.

    We request two things 1) use file sharing hosts as much as possible as attachments use up the server space our web host provides, and 2) don't flood the BOARD with posts having a single image - please group similar photos in a single post.

  • 10. No whining about the new BOARD features or lost content.. This new discussion forum was a huge undertaking including the expenditure of a lot of effort and money. Through not fault of ours, our web host was unable to migrate the content of the old forum to the new BOARD and all content was lost. So YES, we have to rebuild a new with it - whining about it is prohibited!

  • 11. All imagery and stories must be CONSENSUAL to the females involved. FLASHING IS NOT CFNM, and is prohibitied. Flashing occurs when a nude man intentionally presents himself to an unsuspecting female for his erotic enjoyment. This is, and rightfully, illegal in most countries. Flashing also includes nude men "staging" a situation such that an unsuspecting female will observe them. Flashing does NOT occur when the female intentionally puts herself in an environment or situation where should reasonably expect to be in the presence of male nudity - examples being clothing-optional beaches, certain public events, locker rooms, theater, etc., etc.

  • 12. Our RULES are constantly evolving. It is the obligation of each user to stay informed of our RULES as amendments are made in this topic thread.

Most importantly, remember the Golden Rule. Be considerate of other Villagers, and you'll be welcome here.

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